Speech for My Friend's Wedding

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I gave a speech at my friend's wedding in Japan......please don't laugh at my pronunciation :(. Transcript:日本語:それではまずはね、このたびはご結婚本当におめでとうございます。日本の披露宴に出席するのは今度が始めてで、また、私があしださんの友人代表としてスピーチをさせていただくことになったのを知った時、とても不安でいっぱいでしたが、このように披露宴に出席するし、スピーチをさせていただくことを真に光栄に感じております。さて、私は去年あしださんが語学学習のためアメリカの大学に在学中に出会いました。日本語を学習ため大学にいる日本人全員に会うようにしていましたが、あしださんほど協力的な人はいませんでした。日本語の文法や言葉をたくさん教えていただきました。あしださんは夢を叶えるためにどんな困難に立ち向かい、がんばってきた結果、結婚することになりました。アメリカで英語を勉強してる時、がんばって英語が早く上達しました。とても大変そうでしたがあしださんはいやな顔を一度もしませんでした。笑顔しか見たことありません。それに引き換え、私は短期で不平ばかり言ってるのであしださんのことを尊敬しています。それで、あしださんの優しさは最高です。この旅行で起こったトラブルもあしださんが助けてくれて解決してくれました。とても感謝しています。友達を助けるあしださん、がんばって成功を勝ち取るあしださん、間違えなくいい家族を作ります。それでは、ある日あしださんに婚約者のよしみねさんがアメリカにくることを聞きました。それまでは、よしみねさんに会ったことはありませんでした。先によしみねさんにお会いした私の友達からとてもおきれいな方だと評判をお聞きし、実際に会ってみて日本語でお話しする機会を経て本当に美しい人だと自分の目で気づきました。そういうわけで、よしみねさんとお会いするのは今度が三度目なので、よしみねさんのことは存じなくても優しくてフレンドリーの性格があることを感じられます。素敵な奥さんになると思います。じゃ(oooops)、このすばらしい日にあしださんとよしみねさんのご結婚お二人のお側でお祝いできることを真にうれしく思っております。末永くお幸せにお暮らしくださいませ。English:Well then, first, my sincere congratulations on your blessed wedding. This is my first time attending a wedding in Japan, and when I learned that I would be giving a speech in Japanese as Ashida-san's friend representative I was incredibly nervous, but attending a wedding and giving a speech this way, I feel truly honored. So, last year I met Ashida-san when he came to an American university for his language study. At that time, I was trying to meet every Japanese person at the university so I could study Japanese, but nobody helped me as much as Ashida-san did. I had him teach me a lot of Japanese grammar and vocabulary. No matter what troubles he has faced, he always fought hard and it has had good results, including his wedding (this is a little weird to translate to English....). When he was studying English, it seemed really hard, but he never got upset even once. I've never seen anything but a smile from him. On the other hand, all I do is complain about my weaknesses so I have great respect for him. Also, his kindness has no bounds. Even when I had trouble on this trip [to Japan], he helped me a lot. I am very thankful to him. Ashida-san, who helps his friends, Ashida-san, who fights and claims success, there is no mistake that he will raise a good family. Well then, one day I heard from Ashida-san that his fiancee, Yoshimine-san, was coming to America. Until then, I had never met her. I heard from my friends who met her before me that she was getting a reputation as a very beautiful person. I went to meet her myself, and had a chance to speak with her in Japanese, and I realized with my own eyes that she is very beautiful. Now that I mention it, this is only the third time I've met her, but even so I can tell that she is a sweet, friendly person. I think she will be a wonderful wife. Sooooo (I accidentally said Japanese that was too casual so everyone was surprised), On this wonderful day, I am extremely happy to celebrate the sacred wedding of these honored two by their side. Please go forward with endless happiness.


Speech for My Friend's Weddingの関連動画
